Why stay here for Christmas?
Hello everyone, As we are approaching to the end of the winter term (OH FINALLY), I think its a good idea to relax and put University aside of you. Time flew this semester with the amount of school work, adapting to your new life at UEA or even Norwich, meeting new friends, joining your school societies, learning how to cook and even for some of you, still homesick (I hope your coping well). I believe its about time we deserve our own special Christmas break. For some of you people out there, you maybe going back to your respective countries or hometowns. As for myself, I am going to stay (yay?), but today I am going to tell you why staying here is not such a bad idea. Many of us are born travellers, curious about the world outside our eyes, we want to see more, experience as much as we can in our 70 years of living (okay some of you may have it longer, but lets go for the average) and as young mature adults, our desperate need of searching for answers and exploring kick...