Things I miss when I'm stuck in Norway
I'm stuck at home for a while longer (thanks, pandemic!) and I’m realising that there’s a lot of UK, Norwich and UEA-specific things I miss. Here’s a random and non-conclusive list, in no particular order! 1) The free online streaming services! I miss the selection of tv series. 2) Online shopping. Yes, there is online shopping in Norway, but it’s not at all the same. There’s something great about knowing that you could have basically anything delivered to your door in less than 24 hours. 3) The supermarkets. The giant bags of pasta, the sweets offers, the near-constant sales on Ben and Jerry’s… No Norwegian grocery store can so cheaply accommodate the student diet. 4) Everything about my house and housemates and friends 5) The UEA campus! Even in a pandemic, it’s so lovely to walk around the lake and see...