Need help revising?
We are already at the end of April and most students here will start their exams soon. Unfortunately, I will be one of them. It is quite hard to learn everything a few days before the exams. For some of us, it will be more like "discovering things" instead of revising! lol
Are you giving up on going out or listening to music yet? Well, that won't be so necessary. Did you know that listening to loud music (especially rock music) stimulates your brain? This in turn provides a temporary boost in your brain performance. It should only be done before you are about to start studying. Do google it if you want more information on how it works. Apparently, music also improves focus and reading. I was pleasantly surprised to discover all that.
However, that doesn't mean that you should constantly listen to music while studying. Unfortunately, listening to music while doing work just makes me forget what i am supposed to be learning and makes me remember lyrics instead.
So, good luck with revision everyone and hopefully it will be over soon.
Mauritian Students Ambassador
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