Weekend's Here!!!!!!
It's interesting how quickly the weeks go by! This week was a particularly busy one on campus. Remaining freshers moved into halls, there's been a pot and pan sale, SocMart was very busy, SportsMart was even more busy, Fresher's fair had lots of freebies to offer and all this happened in this wet weather :-p. Not that the week is over though, Book sale today in the LCR and a second pots and pans sale. With so many things that have gone on this week perhaps some people would be tired, drained, looking forward to a long lay in this weekend..... However, there are some freshers who are looking to explore Norwich night life and other returners who have missed what the good city of Norwich has to offer at night. So, for all those who didn't know, the weekend starts on Thursday! Thursday night is always great at Mercy's because it's a student night. And it's free entry before eleven! There are three separate parts to the club and that allows for everyone to have ...