And Life Goes On

Ah, the trees are now losing their leaves,
And the morning grass, is tasting the frost,

If only, if only, Autumn were longer,
And the waning leaves, could be a little bit stronger.


Right. So, after that failed attempt at being vaguely poetic, hello everybody!
It's all back to work at UEA! My second year started with a sense of purpose, with assigments here and submissions there. Within a few weeks my brain just resorted to making a buzzing noise; it sounded like ''bzzformativesummativebzzassessment''. Oh well. After 6 weeks of a gruelling work schedule I finally have some time off to shift down from overdrive. But I rather liked the intense work period. I like my capacities being stretched, my intellect being worked, my resolve tested. It's what I came to university for.

I always find it amazing how we all shift worlds from home to university and back. Effortlessly, it seems, we slip into our worlds, our work, our friends, and home life is reduced to a distant fantasy. The transition never seems to be painful, even though I sit and fret about traveling and returning both to home or to university. I  remember I had a friend in Norwich who helped me settle in last year, and then I looked at myself this year; it was at that moment that I knew UEA/Norwich had become 'home' as well. I strolled in as though I'd lived here forever, catching up with old friends, talking about the weather! Everything was the same, as though paused in time. Waiting for my return, I'd like to think!

Anyway, as usual, time flies by; it's already the 8th week of term, and almost half my degree is over. So before I scare myself, by thinking about my future, I shall bid you all adieu, and enjoy today's sunshine while it lasts.

Until next time,

Indian Student Ambassador


  1. I've been here for only 2 months, but I totally get what you're saying! It's amazing how quickly we adjust!


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