Useful tip :)

Hello everyone,

Elodie (French Student Amnassador) is backk !

Today, I wanted to talk to you about one of the many delights of UEA and its surroundings but one event made me change my mind so this week's topic is going to be both USEFUL and (quite) SERIOUS.

This weekend, I went on a trip to Edinburgh with Erasmus society (A-MA-ZING city by the way) when my handbag cointaining all my belongings got stolen in a club on Sunday at 2 in the morning -> What a great way to begin the day, isn't it ?

Well, let's be honest, I don't know a think about the British police system so I kinda freaked out first but I went to see the travel councillor and thank god, he was there !


So here is we you need to do if you get stolen :

- Go see the nearest police office/post to declare it, you give a declaration and they'll give you a very important crime number

- Cancel all credit cards and identity ones (like your ID, your NHS card, ...)

- You'll get a call if something is found but if not, keep the crime number and give it to every institution to get your papers back.

Advices to soften the damages :

- Don't have the PIN of your credit card or your mobile on you
- Make copies of your passport/ID/credit cards/ every cards you have and let it at home
- Adress your embassy as soon as possible

& if you're lucky, they'll find your stuff, like they did for me :)

