A support from UEA for setting up a business
The journey started when I was selling Thai Milk Tea drink and dessert under the name MELLOW UK during UEA Christmas Market in 2014. UEA gave students an amazing opportunity to bring ideas to the market!

I've got a really good feedback on the day so I tried to participate in UEA Student Pop-up market monthly and during Summer Holiday 2015, I went back to Thailand with the idea of developing my business further.

I came back to the UK with my new business idea of Thai herbal tea trading under the name of Chaya.
UEA has not only gave me an opportunity to showcase my business but also provide a range of support and funding. I got a £500 'Try it' funding to develop my business idea further, I can say that the opportunities I've got from UEA were amazing. Not to mention the academic excellence and amazing student life at UEA, I could say I enjoyed my life at UEA a lot that guiding me to choose to do my Master degree at UEA after I graduated my undergrad.

Students should pick the scheme which best suits their program, and search for favorable time for business. Should you be a worldwide student, normally the practice of being approved for started a educational business like MasterGrades is extremely rigid.