Staying healthy is extremely important as a student and as much as you might feel it's impossible to keep up with health when you have 1001 essays to write, IT MUST BE DONE!

Here are five things to do to keep up the health for very low prices: 

1) SKIPPING: Skipping for at least 20 minutes per day will do wonders for your body. You don't have to do it all at once. 10 minutes, twice a day will burn more than 200 calories and that's 1000 calories a week. Talk about being on your way to a sharp, slim trim!

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2) SMOOTHIES: No one needs to tell me how hard getting those fives a day are. The best way to curb that problem is with smoothies. You can make them yourself. A perfect ratio of vegetable: fruit: liquid will have you set for the day and if you have it multiple times a day, even better. 

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3) SLEEP: Yes, impossible, I know. If coursework isn't a problem, there's Netflix and YouTube but honestly, that snooze time is so important. We need at least 7 a day and it might seem unimportant but those 7 hours should be at night. There's something called a body circadian rhythm and trust me, you don't want to ruin yours. Google it. 

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4) WATER: There's a trick with this one. Because sometimes our bodies confuse thirst for hunger. Sometimes what you need is a glass. Try and have at least eight of those a day. It will send you running for the toilet every hour but best believe, it's worth it.                                                                                                                                              Image result for water cartoon
5) RELAX / LET IT OUT: The most important thing is mental health and if you need to rewind, take that time and rewind. If you need to meditate or reflect, take that time and prioritise it because it's important. Also, if you need help, talk to someone. We have to keep our bodies healthy because they can get sick sometimes but your brain can get sick too and most people forget this. 

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With these five tips, you'll be in top shape both physically and mentally and ready to take the world by storm. 

-- Chioma Elsa Nwanna --     
