Exam Period = End of Term!!
Hello guys!
Surely everyone is really scared of revision and exams, hence the need for some motivations!! I've found these really motivational websites where you could actually take some time off from revision and think why we need to revise for our exams!
1) The Big Picture! See http://www.thebigpicture.eu.com/
2) Ideas to Motivate Students! See http://www.virtualsalt.com/motivate.htm
3) Reasons why exams are important? See http://school-teacher-student-motivation-resources-courses.com/
Furthermore, depending on individuals, some of us may not like the ideas of motivation through our computer/laptop screen. Some would prefer a real night/day out with friends or alone to release your stress! Well, there are a couple events hosted not only by the UEA but in Norwich to ease your revision stress:
1) Massive Come Back Party at Lola Lo's!
2) ISS watched EuroVision!
3) A-List with Harmony in the Hive!
4) Art of Norwich 17!
5) Smurf Party!
OR Some might prefer shopping!! Of which, this actually implies to me!! Well as far as I know, Chapelfield is holding a 25% Student Discount Night tomorrow 12May from 5-8pm!! It's a discount night just for us students who are stressed from revision and exams. More details of the discount night can be found here:
So what are you waiting for? Get yourselved motivated and relax in between your revision! Don't stress too much on revision but keep it at a constant pace and you'd definitely do well!!
Good luck to those who are revising for their exams and may God bless us with flying colours!! :))
Till next time,
UEA International Ambassador Brunei
Good luck everyone!!! I believe there is a bright sunshine after the rain! Yepeee... finally we have the little shower in Norwich.