Student Life in Pictures
Spring is here,
But no sun.
Time to revisit,
How the year went through ,
In pictures
So the last semester of the 2012/13 academic year draws to its end and everyone suddenly becomes excited with the thoughts of going back home during the easter break or may be just because "no more need to wake up early" for 9 am's lectures! At last something to cheer about in this cold and cruel spring weather!
I decided to share our own student experiences in pictures and I bet some of them do certaibly bring back some memories! :)
Does this image rings some bells to your ears, especially for those who have loads of 9 am's lectures! :P
When we attempt to change the meaning of collusion to group work, everyone of us had this friend who would self-labelled himself/herself "Einstein"! :P (Though He/She is very helpful sometimes!)
Does this remind you of times when youu said "Ahh...this is an easy question with an easy answer!" And then when you really tackle the question, you discover new things that make you wonder! :P
At last the studet life cycle! A picture that makes us look awesome, having lived through all these stages and` phases of university student life!
And finally, when lecturers were absent or late in coming to the class/lecture theatre, there is always this guy in everyone's class where his actions get all the attention of the class!
Happy Easter guys!
Have a good holiday and good luck for your revision (If any :P)!
Hussein Wahedally
UEA Mauritian Ambassador
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