It is exam time on campus - and you can tell! UEA students are flooding the library and quiet study spaces doing their last minute cramming.
Exams are done very differently here at the University of East Anglia than they are at most universities in the United States. At UEA, some individual modules (classes) have exams, but the majority of them are assessed through coursework. Then, at the end of your programme, you have one exam that tests the entirety of the core work.
For me as a masters student, this meant I only had one exam for the entire year...and it was this morning! (So now I'm free!)
In some ways, this means more pressure - only one exam, only one chance! But it also meant way less stress during the rest of the year. At my undergraduate uni in Michigan, we had exams 2-3 times a term...which meant less pressure per exam in some ways, but way more opportunities to freak out!
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Exams are done very differently here at the University of East Anglia than they are at most universities in the United States. At UEA, some individual modules (classes) have exams, but the majority of them are assessed through coursework. Then, at the end of your programme, you have one exam that tests the entirety of the core work.
For me as a masters student, this meant I only had one exam for the entire year...and it was this morning! (So now I'm free!)
In some ways, this means more pressure - only one exam, only one chance! But it also meant way less stress during the rest of the year. At my undergraduate uni in Michigan, we had exams 2-3 times a term...which meant less pressure per exam in some ways, but way more opportunities to freak out!
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