King Alfred's Cakes

Sadly, this is not a post about cakes.

King Alfred's Cakes - Daldinia concentrica

Whilst walking through the trees lining the lake on the UEA Campus I spotted a black clump clinging to a dead tree trunk. Fungus! But what kind I had no clue..
So began the legend of King Alfred. Apparently, King Alfred was asked to look after some cakes in the oven and make sure they wouldn't burn. He failed. The resultant black lumps of goodness resembled the fungus clinging to trees and were so nicknamed.
Carried around in men’s pockets, it was also believed to cure cramps and so were called cramp balls.
Any outdoorsy people will be glad to know it was additionally called coal balls for it’s fire starting magic. Because of it’s dense nature, once dried, the inner flesh will catch sparks from flint and burn slowly.
Camping time?
One last thing… Though they are so aptly named, don’t eat these burnt buns!


Elleni - East African Student Ambassador
