♯TBM – UEA Award Ceremony
Do you normally do throwbacks
on Thursdays on your social media accounts? To be honest, as long as it’s a
throwback, it doesn’t really matter when they’re posted! For me, I have another
instead of ♯tbt…
It’s the ♯TBM. Yeah! No typos! It stands for Throw Back
March. So what’s so special for me back in
March? The UEA Award Ceremony! Just in case you don't know what the UEA Award
is about, it is an award that recognises a range of activities, both academic
and extra-curricular, undertaken during your time at UEA. It helps you develop
the essential skills and attributes for life and employment when you finish
your course. It’s been developed in conjunction with employers and culminates
in a certificate from the University.
This year, the ceremony was
held on 16 March 2017, which involved sharing from employers, the Head of
Careers, awarded students and an informal networking session after the
ceremony. It was a pleasure for me to be the first NBS Student invited to share
my award journey with all the students enrolled in the award, academics and
I talked about my experience
throughout the award journey, and how my skills and attributes had been
developed after setting up a company with 8 UEA friends. I particularly enjoyed
the photo taking session after the ceremony, as we dressed up in these crazy
costumes. These photos are nothing like the LinkedIn ones!
If you have not signed up for
the award, I would definitely encourage you to sign up now as places are really
limited. If you are on the award, I hope you have enjoyed the journey so far
and the ceremony next year. Feel free to drop me an email at i.law@uea.ac.uk or award@uea.ac.uk
if you have any questions.
Isaac Law - International Ambassador (Hong Kong)
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