Easter Egg

Easter has come! Are you enjoying Easter Break? Some student has assignments, others can enjoy the Easter Holiday. I am the former.. anyway, today's topic is about Easter egg!

The Easter Egg is very popular as a simbol of Easter.

As everone know, this traditional culture is from long long ago, I will not introduce the history, but the "story" of Easter Egg!

Boilled Easter egg has been used as a traditional one, however, the chocolate and jerry Easter Egg is more popular than that one nowadays. Also, there are traditional game for Easter,

egg-jarping (same as egg-tapping, egg dumping)

Have you done it? These games from North of England, so if you have time let's do it!

Other story about Easter Egg, even though Easter Egg is usually boilled hard, there are fried chocolate Easter Egg in Scottland! I would like to try to eat it, if anyone is there during Easter Holiday, try to eat chocolate Easter Egg!

Also, Easter Egg can be symbol of friendship and cooperation, so sometime, Easter Egg played a role as a diplomat!

Do you know other Easter Egg Story? If you know, please let me know!

Have a good Easter Holiday!!

Naoki Takanashi (Japanese Ambassador)
