Home Away From Home

There is something about being an International Student and being all the way away from home that often strikes a chord of nostalgia in me. Simply making that phone call home to catch up with family leaves me wishing for a bit of home food....especially Nyama Choma - Roast Meat in Kenya...However that said....I have to admit that every time I go back for a holiday, I am constantly talking about what I miss in UEA and Norwich. It's this paradox which I thought I ought to share with you today...

You see once I pack my bags and move to a new city or country..I often find ways of settling in as soon as possible. For me the priority when I arrived in Norwich was to find a church which I could feel most welcomed and looked after..next was the hunt for food stores.. the library and a sports centre, all which I found within the first two days. However these are not the things that I miss the most whenever I travel away from Norwich...with time I have come to appreciate that I have a set routine of what I do on the different days of the week and that I am very good at....having a routine..even planning when I am allowed to be spontaneous!!! But actually it's the great friends that I have made here that I miss the most..There is a saying on how 'it's not the bulidings that make a place but the people who inhabit it'... and it has proven itslef true every single time...it's not the buildings or even the pretty lake on campus I miss the most...it's the great people who God has so richly blessed me with, who have been true, inspirational and as caring as they can possibly be that I miss...

So yes..it is possible to be so far away from Home and feel very at home there too...

Happy Easter Holiday to you all,

Lydia - UEA East African Student Ambassador.
