Medicine at UEA

Medicine at UEA is highly coveted and hard to find a place on. A top twenty university in the UK for Medicine, UEA is a relatively new and quickly growing university that is now becoming a leading destination for future doctors. Although it’s sought- after status, a fourth year current UEA medicine student, Nishchay Kakkar, argues that his favourite aspect of medicine at UEA is its community and comfort. 

Unlike Oxbridge schools wherein medicine is an intellectual arena where academic pursuits can get incredibly competitive and edgy, UEA maintains that a cooperative and healthy atmosphere. While each student is trying to be on top of their game and this encourages their peers, the students believe that UEA has never overdone this behaviour to cause enmity. The students often tend to have integrated relationships with their lecturers and GP tutors. Each student tends to become very attached to their yearlong PBL (Problem based learning) group and Norwich thankfully has enough cool restaurants for them to bond at. These dynamics encourage great relationships and peer support.

Another strength UEA has that few other schools can boast of is its ability to introduce you to patients early on in your academic career. While other schools expose you to patients in your third year, UEA does so from the first year onwards. This ensures that later on in the coming years, you are entirely confident in dealing with patients. You have plenty of support early on so it doesn’t seem intimidating and makes you comfortable with the realistic idea of being a Healthcare professional that deals with varied patient-related issues.

“All in all studying medicine at the UEA is a thoroughly enjoyable and holistic experience. Not only does it prepare you academically for the challenges you face as a doctor but also clinically in high pressure situations where you need to recall all those procedures you practiced in medical school. It also prepares you mentally for the life you will live as a doctor, there will be many times where you may feel mentally or emotionally exhausted but the UEA medical school provides multiple opportunities for self-reflection and introspection to prepare you for real life”
-Nishchay Kakkar, fourth year Medical Student, UEA.

-Shaivya Ramani, Indian International Ambassador. 
