The School of Dev off to meet the Queen!

Indeed this new year already looks very exciting! The school of Development which is am so pleased to be associated with has won the Queen's Anniversary Award in recognition of the research and work it has been doing in developing countries and its contribution to improving people's wellbeing worldwide. The good news came towards the end of last term and were received by a very enthusiastic team of students and staff.

The award presentation ceremony will be held at Buckingham Palace on the 19th of February, and I am even more excited because I was invited to tag along. Finally we get to go beyond the big gates and see what really goes on in that palace.....Now before I get ahead of myself.......... I thought I ought to share this information mainly because all the prospective students out there need to know how well the UEA Development department is doing. Congratulations once again to all the students, lecturers and researchers.......

I will make point of writing all about the experience once we get back from London.
Best wishes in the new year,
Lydia - East African Student Ambassador
