Film Review- Big Fish

A fancy-comedy drama directed by Tim Burton and
released on the year 2003. This is one of my favourite
movies in my life. Although it is not a big cast movie,
I like the message delivered.

The father (Edward Bloom) tells the same tale he has told
many times over the years, to him and to anyone else. The Son
(Will) is annoyed and felt unable to trust his father. The father
-son relationship became worse year after year, and they have
not been talking to each other for three years.
Until when his father lie in the hospital, he tried to figure out
the truth behind. He starts realising that he did not understand
his father in the past.

I do understand what Will think, in the perspective of a daughter
or a son. In a family, the role of a father is to guide and protect
their children. Most of the children expect a father to have good
reputation (at least do not tell lies or to do what has been promised
to the children). Having a father who always tell lies or exaggerating
things will just make the children lessen the sense of belongingness
towards the family.

Although we can never know whether the things gone through by
Edward in the film are true or not; what I believed is that Edward
was trying to cover up his frustrating and fearful life by exaggerating
his experiences. It made his life much colourful, interesting and

Venus Yu
Hong Kong International Ambassador
