Iron Man 2: Funny?

Hey guys,

I know that this is the time for exams but to relieve my stress from studying, I went to the cinema to watch Iron Man 2!! I came out from the cinema laughing instead as it was very very funny as compared to the first Iron Man movie! :)

The casts for Iron Man 2 were similar but with addition of new casts obviously including Scarlett Johansson. The plot this time was more of a comedy than action but it lifts our spirits up especially at the time like this!

One character that I really find it amusing was the man who play the CEO of Hammer Industries. His character was more of a jealous type of person where he was very jealous of Tony Spark's achievement throughout those years and his plot of using the bad guy to make more Iron Man 'robots' to destroy Tony Spark but in the end he was betrayed and ended up in jail! Hahaha..

There is other information about the movie here:

This movie gave me strength to continue on my battle for my upcoming exams! :)

Till next time


UEA International Ambassador Brunei
