Ireland Day 4 - Moorland

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope you have all enjoyed your holidays as much as I did! Time to settle back into work and the swing of University life as a Second Year Ecology student.

Carrying on from my adventures in Ireland last year is Day 4 - Moorland Exploration!

On the moors we questioned how varying degrees of height up a mountain would affect the plants that could grow there and therefore the animals that you would find. The higher you go the colder it gets, water is less available and the exposure to wind is increased. Only very hardy, well adapted plants can survive in these harsh conditions.

There are 3 different species of Heather found on the moor that we explored, seen as the red carpeting the land in the picture above.

Some plants are carnivorous as the one pictured above. This helps in the extreme environment as they maximise their chance of finding food!

Despite the harsh conditions we found a few different example of animal life up on the moors, reminding us of the amazing power of evolution and adaptability!

Then it came our turn to brave the moors and to scale the massive mountain ahead of us! It was very cold and windy and wet, so the progress was slow, but once we reaches the top the view was breath-taking!

I hope some of these pictures inspire you to go outside and explore your surroundings! I know as soon as it is warm enough to, I will be back out with my tent!


Elleni - East African Student Ambassador



