Studying abroad is the best choice ever that I have made.
In these couple of years, I have been travelling a lot.
In the last reading week, I went to Italy with some
good friends of mine and we did have a great time.
We went to Milan, Rome and Venice.
In Milan, we went to the famous Duomo Cathedral and
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. On that day, the weather was really good and many pigeons come in front of the cathedral, the atmosphere was so good that you might never find anything like that in Hong Kong. I think the Piazza built in 1860 by Giuseppe Mengoni is very environmentally friendly mall.The roof of the mall is transparent letting more sunlight in. Giuseppe is wise and thoughtful I would say.


Venice is also an amazing city. In the heart of the city, you can hardly find any cars or buses, as their main transportation is gondola. We decided to walk to St Mark’s Piazza but the alleys were so complicated and narrow that we spent for like 2 hours to get there. The photo is really pretty with the reflection of the water; however it does not always happen as the Piazza was having water pipes leakage on that day!

Venus International Ambassador
