Spring Break anyone?

Every time I say the words "spring break" in front of my male housemates I instantly get a low-pitched, MTV impression SPRING BREAK!! in return. It's a bit silly, and definitely reminds me that while being American abroad is a fantastic experience, one does have some damage control to do when it comes to our often quite hilarious American stereo-types.

That aside, spring break is FINALLY upon us! Four blissful weeks off from uni - not that uni is a bad thing, but after the amount of coursework I've been trudging through and the horrible, near-double-digit shifts I've been studying in the library for the past week, I am most definitely going to enjoy the spare time. Even better would be said spare time with fantastic weather, which is hopefully on the way!

I'm not gonna lie - I am mostly excited because on April 15th I'll be heading to London to meet up with one of my best friends from California, who is currently studying abroad in Granada, Spain. There's nothing more exciting about being abroad than being able to share it with the people you know, and I'm more than stoked because this is the first time I'll be able to share my life over here with one of my friends from the West Coast. I'm also looking forward to not only seeing her, but also hopefully returning the favor by visiting Granada sometime before I leave in June so I can finally hit up the continent!

I wish I had more of interest to share, but I'll be honest with you: I foresee much laziness and lounging on this spring break, and I'm sure that's not something that calls for any sort of detailed blogging. Just thought I'd pop on here and wish you all a great four weeks!

Till next,

American Students Ambassador
