Happy 2013!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas, and an equally festive New Year!

Its Spring Semester now and lots of new International students are arriving on campus today to start their courses next week!

For those of you that are new to UEA and Norwich below is just a short list of what you can expect to see in the City and a few other events coming up....

Easter Funfair      Thursday 28 March to Monday 1 April    Chapelfield Gardens

World Village Market    Friday 29 March to Monday 1 April    Gentleman’s Walk

Over thirty world food and craft stalls will be returning to the city centre this Easter.

Bandstand concerts    Sundays from June to August   Various parks

Local bands will be performing in the city’s park bandstands. All concerts begin at 3pm.

Lord Mayor’s Celebration   Thursday 4 July to Sunday 7 July   Norwich city centre

Four days of celebration, including the street procession (on Saturday 6 July); fireworks; outdoor stages with music, dance and theatre; funfair; medieval market; street fayre; street artists; cycle, road and duck races - and lots more. The city’s biggest community celebration set in the heart of the streets of Norwich   There will also be the Norfolk and Norwich Festival in May - so many events - lots of them free too! check out this link for more information http://www.nnfestival.org.uk/  

I hope everyone settles in really quickly - done be scared UEA and Norwich are both really friendly places and there is no such thing as a silly question!
  Thats all for now... catch you later!
