Some Californian Musings...

I've been here a year and a half now and I'm still not over the fact that I live in England. Recent examples of this:

1. Still marvelling at the fact that I practically live next door to a Fish and Chip shop.

2. Spending an afternoon walking in the Norwich Lanes, totally not over how amazing they are.

Example number one just reminds me of watching movies when I was younger, watching Paul Bettany try and win over Kirsten Dunst in Wimbledon with two giant paper-wrapped packets of fish and chips. The fact that my housemates and I can decide on such amazing fried food for dinner and be eating it five minutes later always brings deliciously home the point that not only am I no longer in suburbia, California - but that, stereotypes aside, I am most definitely in England.

The Norwich Lanes do much the same for me, and no matter how many times I walk them up and down, I still love them. Before I moved to Norwich, I spent way too much time sitting at my computer at home, looking up pictures of the City Center (or, as they spell here - centre =P) and different hide-away parts of town that tourist websites insisted were original and essential to the city. Now that I've lived here for a year and a half, I've gone back to those websites, seen those pictures, and can tick them off location by location, knowing I've been to each and every one of those places. Norwich really is an incredible place to have right next to uni, and I really never get tired of it, and I thought I'd share! =]

Till the next post!
UEA American Students Ambassador
