
Well its that time of the year where school work gets so tough and all you want to do is stay in bed for as long as possible. Never really knew what it took to get a degree at a university but quite frankly, its not as easy as you picture it when you are not in the University.

Taking different modules, writing essays, studying, writing course tests, research, lab projects, extra curricular activities, social nights....GOSH!!! How much can one student take? So one thing I tell myself and encourage you to do as students is, when you think you have reached the limit, TAKE A BREAK!!!...Chill, go to the gym, listen to music, apply for a coursework extension or do whatever calms you down. Beacuse one thing is for sure, if you carry on with all the stress and you break down, lectures will go on for students who are fit and are able to make it to lectures....School is not gonna end because of you so why end because of school? :)

Nigerian Students Ambassador
